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The five conversations


Take your time and dive into the Performing Gender capacity building programme directly from the beneficiaries: diverse perspectives, personal and professional reflections, hints to develop further activities.

5 countries, 5 rendez-vous among artistic directors, dance makers and dance dramaturgs. Behind the scenes and beyond the mere experiences. About dance & gender, of course.

Discover the final handbook

The three-year project Performing Gender: Dancing in Your Shoes has reached its conclusion. The final handbook, a testament...

Using dance to open up the body for discussion around gender

On the 2nd of April 2023, the Pomegranate Club Research Group closed its second season in Budapest’s SÍN Arts Centre with...

Taking space & making space

For 2 years, different choreographers work together with people from the local communities. These are a group of women from...

Building confidence offering deeper questions

Yorkshire Dance invited two international artists from Performing Gender to facilitate residencies with local people in Leeds....

From self-knowledge to common knowledge

For the Hungarian group, the Community of Budapest (SIN Arts Center), this period could be described as an initiation into...